Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

News Item

OSK Pemekasan

Pamekasan, hundreds of students from senior high school yesterday to follow OSK Pamekasan at SMK 3 Pamekasan. Implementation of this OSK started around 08:00 am. Implementation OSK was running well yesterday but there was little fraud.

OSK year was held at SMK 3 Pamekasan, that's for Pamekasan own territory. Science Olympiad has become the ideal for every student in this city. The event was held every year to recruit students who have high intelligence levels. Even if National could pass, could compete with other countries.

The lessons like Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biology, Geo-Science, Astronomy, IT and Economics. Each school sends 9 students to every lesson. The event was already quite famous in the  Pamekasan city. 2 years ago one of student from Pamekasan went to International with lesson of physics.

Yesterday we managed to interview one of the students who follow the OSK. Call him was Noor Areza Adhi Pratama. Regular on call Reza. He was from SMAN 3 Pamekasan. And he comes from Sumenep. Alhamdulillah, implementation of the OSK yesterday was smooth but there was little fraud from other schools "said Reza. After questioning why there was cheating of schools that send their students more than quota limit.

"My feeling was happy but a little nervous when, joining OSK  yesterday " replied the young man who was white skin. And with a confident he said he believes he could join OSP because according to him, he has the best. In the last year he entered OSP with lesson of physics.